The Meaning of the Names of Egyptian Gods(The sequel to the article "The Confirmation of the Nine Energies in the Egyptian Tradition")
The fact that physical energies were hidden under the names of the gods of Egypt, led me wanting to learn the meaning of their names via linguistic elements described in the book "The Beginning of Genetic Linguistics" by G.S. Grinevitch. (At the end of this article a few photographs of some book pages from "The Beginning of Genetic Linguistics" by G.S. Grinevitch will be presented, so that any interested person could study them to clarify the meaning of the words of the Russian language, and not only ... The books of this author themselves can be found on the Internet, for example at: ) Let me remind you the picture with the Gods of the Heliopolis pantheon taken from the book "Wands of Horus" by V. Uvarov, but with my notes. Photo . Photo 1. The Nine Energies represented by Gods. In the beginning I had to look closely at the list of gods depicted in Photo 1. This led to the replacement of the god Horus with Atum. Then I started thinking about the correct pronunciation of names of the goddesses Nephthys and Tefnut, considering the replacement of the sound "ph" with the sound "sh". It appears that, like imitating a snake, we more use the "sh" sound then "ph". Beside that, the sound "ph" is not present in the genetic linguistics, and seems like he was listed in our language by the Greek priests. And we can assume that in the Egyptian language, it was also brought by the Greeks. Other remaining adjustments will be made when clarifying the name of a specific god. 1. The God Shu (Øó) - the god of air. In my understanding it is a weak or torsional interaction, which is mainly emitted from the center of the planet into space. If we take just the syllable "Shu", then in The Genetic Linguistics (further - GL), it means "bottom - (top)". Generally speaking, it is correct, that it goes from the bottom – up, but if you divide it into two syllables "Sh" and "U", then we have: Sh (Øü) - point (a point, small sized), mark point, reference point. U (Ó) - an achievement, a creation (the process of what is to be created). And here appears an interesting meaning: -THE REFERENCE POINT OF THE PROCESS (of creation). Or simply: - The beginning of the process. And indeed the process of energy transformation starts with the weak interaction.
2. The Goddess Tefnut - (Òåôíóò) - the electric field. Allow me to replace the "f" to "sh", obtaining this way the name Teshnut (Òåøíóò) and let me now put it into syllables for you. Te (Òå) - points the place, “of a given (task)". Sh (Øü) - point (a point, small sized), mark point, reference point. Nu (Íó) - the lack of existence (the existence of absence). T (Òú) - conditionally (conditional, the agreed conditions) conditionality; this, that etc. And I get: - The conditional absence of the existence of a given point. Or simply: - Conditionally not existing point. (Probably meaning spread as an electron cloud).
3. God Atum (Àòóì) - the magnetic field. A (À) - "the smallest particle of matter," the smallest particle of (human society)" - "I - the person" Tu (Òó) - "Nebula (misty, vague, undefined)" M (Ìú) - "resistance, opposition". We get: The opposition of the undefined smallest particle of matter. Can be interpreted as: The opposition of the uncertainty (spreading) of the electron cloud.
4. God Geb (Ãåá), god of the earth - the photon-time interaction. In this case of interaction, the photon loses its electromagnetic properties, and slows down for the subsequent transition into substance following the formula: Å=Ì*Ñ2 Ge (Ãå) - falling (fallen, to fall - fallen). B (Áú,Áü ) - one of the parties (internal, external) "the expression of gloss: gloss (shiny, perfect, bright)"; "the contrast to gloss (the other side of it) - fading, dullness (pale, dull)". The result: - The fall of the gloss (probably in terms of brightness, or maybe frequency). For example something like the degeneration of the photon.
5. The goddess Nut (Íóò), the goddess of the sky and space - the space-time interaction. Nu (Íó) - the lack of existence (the existence of absence). T (Òú) - conditionally (conditional, the agreed conditions) conditionality; this, that etc. We get: The conditional absence of existence. Or maybe: It is not being. In fact, this is the world that is not shown, or as modern scientists say; Dark matter and Dark energy. By the way, in the Vedic tradition this is Purusha, or the “World that is not shown”.
6. The Goddess Isis(Èçèäà) - Phonon-time interaction (in fact, the interaction of sound and time). I (È)- 1. "he" m. pers. pronoun «He is God" 2. Coordinate conjunction. Si (Çè, Çû) - "Nature"; "state of nature" (the state, consisting, composed)," the human condition, or its status (physical, social); oscillatory motion (vibration, pulsation, rhythm, oscillating, etc.). Is (Äà) - "to give (a tribute gift, given, given away)" The result: - Giving the nature to Him - to God. Or: - Giving condition to him - to God. With the meaning; showing HIM into this world.
7. God Osiris (Îçèðèñ) - the strong interaction. The Material World: - particles, atoms, planets, etc. O (Î) - "a high degree, very". Si (Çè, Çû) - "Nature"; "state of nature" (the state, consisting, composed)," the human condition, or its status (physical, social); oscillatory motion (vibration, pulsation, rhythm, oscillating, etc.). Ri (Ðè, Ðû ) - "risk (risky),"; "(yaw, lynx - rush, momentum),”;”Lynxian” - belonging to the tribe of Lynx. S (Ñú) - 1. "Speed (the most important). 2. preposition. We get: - The speed of high degree pulse oscillations. Or: - The Speed of Natural high degree pulses. If you write Osiris, replacing the syllable "Zi" to "Si" which means: "this" "the sky (heaven)," I Get: - The speed of pulses of this high degree. In other words: - existing in the material world.
8. Goddess Nephthys(Íåôòèäà) - To me this is a vibration interaction. What precedes the sound itself or the first component of it (the second is the strong interaction, here is traced the analogy with the electromagnetic wave). As was stated before I replace the sound "Ph" to "Sh" and further suggest that the negative syllable "Ne" to be changed to "Ni" (this is closer to the meaning, that will become clear later). So I get the name Nishtida (Íèøòèäà). Ni, Ny (Íè, Íû) - "light of heavens"; ("space light"; as a form, the form of cosmic energy) neg. "ne"; pronoun "Us". Sh (Øü) - point (a point, small sized), mark point, reference point. Ti, Ty (Òè, Òû) - "that", "you» pers. pronoun. Da (Äà) - "to give (a tribute gift, given, given away)". And so we have: - Provide that (the one) point of cosmic energy. Or: - Giving the point of cosmic energy.
9. God Seth (Ñåòõ) - The Gravity Se (Ñå) - "Here" - a particle. 2. "Conception - the beginning of life." 3. pronoun "This" T (Òú) - conditionally (conditional, the agreed conditions) conditionality; this, that etc . H (Õú, Õü) - "extinction" - "cold" (the colors of the "cold" part of the spectrum - red, blue, indigo, violet, inflammation (renewal, rebirth) - Heat (the colors of the "warm" part of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow). It turns out we have two opposed explanations, extinction and inflammation in the same time, but if we consider that the scattered gravitational waves coming from outer space are cold and stop all the processes, then : -The extinction is the conditional beginning of life. Or the extinction of that vital beginning (which, in essence, is the torsion field (the weak interaction). On the other hand the gravitational contraction penetrates the matter heating and the thermonuclear fusion, and therefore can be interpreted as: - The resumption that is the start of life. Or: - The resumption is the conditional beginning of life. And as a result of the thermonuclear fusion the weak interaction is re-emitted and we have the conclusion: - The end, and then the beginning again. Now I will summarize the semantic phrases that we have obtained:
How you can see from the text above, the meaning of the names of gods is very close to the one describing the energies in the Geometry of the Unified field, that are represented by these gods . Just as in the alchemical texts: «The Red Knight, devoured by the green lion"; for us this will mean "the dissolution of iron in hydrochloric acid". From this we can draw some conclusions:
Photos of the promised book pages:
Valery P. Kondratov