Ken Upanishad in the light of Fabric of the UniverseValery P. Kondratov.
August 20, 2011 In August 2011 a friend brought me three books of Sri Aurobindo including "The Ken Upanishad" and others. Taking a look at the text of the Ken Upanishad I found an interesting meaning. After I read the Comments and Notes to this Upanishad written by S. Aurobindo, I did not find this meaning. There, on 95 pages S. Aurobindo expresses in a very nice and almost poetical way his vision about this Upanishad, but having no knowledge of the Fabric of the Universe and not taking into consideration the Vaastu Shastra, he could not reveal this deeper meaning. So I decided to reveal this hidden significance. And so, what really is an Upanishad? This is collection of poems written by the sages, which are grouped into collections that in fact are the Vedanta. But everyone can learn more about this from the Internet. Therefore I'll go ahead to Ken. Ken means whom. That is, by whom this world was created. And it was created by Brahma. But Brahma created the world and went to bed after transferring the management to Vishnu. And because he is asleep, turning to him with requests and prayers it does no good. He will not hear you anyway. That's way Brahma temples in India are less than fingers on one hand, by opposition to the great number of temples of Vishnu and Shiva. It's just that people remember and worship him, but don’t bother with all sorts of requests, because he is asleep and will hear nothing. And maybe this is the reason why other gods in the bustle of everyday life have forgotten about him and decided that the creation of the world it’s to their credit. And they became so proud about this. Then Brahma, for some reason woke up (maybe he does not sleep at all, but simply pretending and does not interfere) and give the gods a hidden meaning. This meaning is described in the third and fourth parts of the Upanishad Ken. Part Three
Part Four
We don’t need further quotation. Let's analyze the written above. For this we’ll take the picture of Vaastu Shastra and look at the position of the gods we’ve named. Fig.1. Fig. 1. The placement of gods in Vaastu Shastra Now we'll do a picture with the names of the gods, and we'll superpose the seal of Saturn on it. Fig. 2 And we'll see who directly interacts with Brahma. And Brahma interacts with Agni and Vayu (the line: Agni - Brahma - Vayu). But Brahma does not interact with Indra, (the line: Indra - Agni). Indra cannot see Brahma. And no other gods can’t be in a direct connection with Brahma. Only Agni and Vayu.
Fig. 2.
Now I will explain this through the physics arising from the fabrics of the universe. Brahma is the spatio-temporal energy Agni - the photonic-time energy Vayu – the phonon-time energy Indra - the magnetic field. Brahma in this Upanishad is expressed as the energy of time and it is natural that in this case, it can interact only with photon – temporary and phonon - temporary energy (see Fig. 3, section 4 - 5 - 6, the red line). Fig.3. This is the transfer of energy into matter and back (everyone's favorite E = [MC] / 2). The Magnetic field (section 3-4, the blue line) has no direct contact with the energy of time (unit 5, a yellow diamond) so that’s why... " the One was hidden." It is separated from the time by a photon - temporary field. Thus, the observation that Indra is above other gods for the reason that he came into the closest contact with Brahma does not pass. He cannot get in touch with Him, ho matter how hard he tries.In fact, Indra (the mind, the feelings), different from the Eternal (the knowledge), receives only a flash of insight, "It's like a lightning flash, like a blink of lashes" when someone (the woman Uma) gives him particles of knowledge.And then Indra (the mind), straining all its will and thoughts seeks to know the Eternal (to get the knowledge about Him and about His creation). This ever green desire of the Matter; becoming more intelligent through the mind. A question remains as to who this woman Uma, the daughter of the snowy peaks, glittering in many creations and having more knowledge about Brahma than most of the gods. I don’t have an answer to this yet. August 20, 2011 P.S. The woman Uma was in fact the wife of Siva. Possessing the qualities of order and knowledge. Thus maybe it is one of the six senses that are controlled by Indra? Maybe she is the Mind? Makes order in the chaos created by other senses like a good housewife and so is aware of where can be found different things and so forth? Now there's another question. Where is Siva? Why he is not among the gods that are included in Vaastu Shastra? His wife is revealed as"... in the same episode ..." in which Indra was present. But maybe there was a transformation from one god to another across the centuries? Because such an important god for the creation of the universe like Shiva it is not included among the nine gods of Vaastu Shastra. Why? September 25, 2011
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